

From now on,
this is it:

even if we turn our neck backwards and look for it in hungriest mood, 
we are not able to see where the travel started. 
We are not able to know when we began to narrate it. 
We cannot do anything but listen who is talking now. 
It's not us who while speaking, walking, and breathing, keeps desire alive,
but words are ours, pleasures oursand struggles are against us. 
We barely could feel, 
if we remained still and calm, 
abandoned from our worries of daily mind, 
that we rather hear those former places of time where all became to be:
slowly focusing on our deepest sensations,  
misterious births appears in relation to another deaths 
from days of gloriosous journies,
like this one now of ours. 

Both travel and writing release like quiet step endings 
so to encourage needed tension for next step.  
When they both appear to our conciousness, 
they are already in their way 
and we have not so much to do 
except for leaving them carry us 
while we taking care of  duties, schedules and the continuous
brief impulse that is needed to reenforce the while.
Also the luxuriousless pleasure of the memories:
those breathes that we'll enjoy intensely later, 
because we intensely enjoied them before. 

Here begins the visible part of the wave, le tour de force, the adventure. 
Open your eyes, rest your ears, remember the travel already began. 
You are in it now. 
All is yours.
All is ours.  

All are hours hours and hours counting like a wave of breath, spit, dust and poor matches flame that lighted his soul with the flame of  another humble candle.
This is the iceberg of the the scheme, the joy of wonder, both reality and dream. 
It's in between memory and  dream where music speaks. 
Take laughing enough for the road and dancing to dance against the stones of the unknown paths. 
You are going to need them. 
Music goes, words walk, travel starts. 
You know who you are. 
You are Don Quixote.

Take a deep breath. 

Don't accept any order, but the law. 

We are leaving peace for searching peace.

This is it,
from now on: